

I think it's kind of cute when bloggers start a post by saying, "Sorry I haven't posted for so long!" Because really, it's okay. Everyone has a life outside of blogs (hopefully) and we aren't waiting on the edge of our seats for the next installment (usually).

That said, I am sorry I haven't posted for so long. I didn't mean to get behind, but life came and did a slam-dance against me. Hard.

I won't go into nitty-grittys**, but it involves the city's fourth of July fireworks show, a ride in an ambulance and several eye surgeries for my husband in Salt Lake City over the next month. Also a funeral, but that was unrelated to incident #1 (although they happened simultaneously). Add a bit of house-hunting, lots of traveling, and a two-year-old who has hit her tantrum stride, and we've got ourselves a party!

I'm overwhelmed. No, no. I'm making up a new word for the occasion: UBER-whelmed. I'm totally uberwhelmed.

But I've been missing my bloggy friends, and all your blogs, and the whole writing thing, so I wanted to check in. I'll be back soon!

In the meantime, check out the blogfest Christine Tyler is hosting. There are prizes! And new friends! And new friends are a prize in and of themselves but there are also gift cards! Retail therapy for the uberwhelmed!

**But if you want to know the nitty-gritty, you can friend me on Facebook (Jeigh Hardy Meredith) and read all about it. See, I know how to network.